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Request: SmartCharge

Do you have plans on exposing the SmartCharge capabilities that you have in the app, through the API? I would love to be able to send a start charge request with optional options like ``` "endTime": "2024-10-04T07:00:00+02:00", "chargeKwh": 20, "fullyCharge": false, "smartChargePreference": [0.1, 0.1, 0.8] // \[co2, renewable, money] ``` Instead of having to rely on my own home cooked smart charging algorithms :) This would allow my smartcharge-start-buttons connected to home assistant to utilize your amazing algorithms without having to go through the app

New chargeID not recognised by 'stop charge'

Hello, apparently today the **chargeID** format changed, until yesterday the **chargeID** was a 8-digit number, and today it shows a 18-digit long one. ``` curl --request GET \ --url 'https://public-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges?chargePointId=2942448&page=0&perPage=1' \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee' ``` ``` { "data": [ { "id": 628861823576030600, "chargePointId": xxxxxxx, "createdAt": "2024-10-01T07:52:22Z", "updatedAt": "2024-10-01T07:52:55Z", "cablePluggedInAt": "2024-10-01T07:52:22Z", "startedAt": "2024-10-01T07:52:23Z", "stoppedAt": null, "fullyChargedAt": null, "failedAt": null, "timeoutAt": null, "state": "paused", "consumedKwh": 0, "kwhLimit": null, "startMeterKwh": 7212.327, "endMeterKwh": 7212.327, "cost": 0, "price": 0, "priceLimit": null, "averagePricePerKwh": 0, "averageCo2PerKwh": 0, "averageRenewablePerKwh": 0, "failureReason": null, "stopReason": "", "note": null, "currency": { "identifier": "eur", "name": "Euros", "decimals": 2 }, "soc": null, "socLimit": null } ], "meta": { "itemCount": 1, "currentPage": 0, "perPage": 1, "totalPageCount": 475, "totalItemCount": 475 } } ``` That's fine, but the problem is that the new **chargeId** is not recognised when trying to stop it with the API. The request: ``` curl --request POST \ --url https://public-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges/628861823576030600/stop \ --header 'accept: application/json' \ --header 'authorization: Bearer aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee' ``` and the result: ``` { "status": "NOT_FOUND", "message": "Charge with ID `628861823576030600` not found.", "readableMessage": "Not Found", "errorCode": "RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND", "context": null } ``` Any idea? Thanks

Wallet transactions in the api

All transactions returns a positiv value. I will expect charges and subscriptions to be a minus value. Is this not an error? If not - how do I detect if it is an withdraw from the wallet? The App shows it correctly as a negative number.

Extended single charge info

It would be nice to have access to the hourly charged kWh in the public API. I see that it is already available in the partner API at this: <https://partner-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges/{chargeId}>, in array "kwhPerHour". Any plans on making this available for the public API also?

Retrieve a list of charges: only 10 elements per page

Hello, Regardless start date set and number of items per page, the API only returns 10 elements per page, so one needs to specify one by one the pages to retrieve.

Feature Request: add info to charges

In the app, there is a field 'notes' for charges, so one can add comments or extra information regarding that specific charge. I don't see the equivalent using the API. I am using the API control my charges and have my own integration with my car (Hyundai Kona) API. For example I keep a record of the odometer for each charge, that way I can monitor the consume. It would be great if I could add the odometer value to the charge, even in the 'notes' field. That way I can review it independently of having access to my local record.

Feauture request. Wallet

It would be nice to have information in the API corresponding to the actual amount of money in the wallet. The same information which is in the app showed in the Personal Wallet Thanks in advance

Retrieve a list of charges seems to be ignoring 'fromDate' argument

request: ``` curl --request GET --url '<https://public-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges?chargePointId=zzzzzzz&fromDate=2024-04-23T06%3A58%3A04Z&page=0&perPage=10'> --header 'accept: application/json' --header 'authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' ``` result: ``` { "data": [ { "id": iiiiiiii, "chargePointId": ccccccc, "createdAt": "2024-04-24T23:08:02Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-25T05:38:45Z", "cablePluggedInAt": "2024-04-24T23:08:02Z", "startedAt": "2024-04-24T23:08:02Z", "stoppedAt": "2024-04-25T05:38:45Z", "fullyChargedAt": null, "failedAt": null, "timeoutAt": null, "state": "completed", "consumedKwh": 34.07, "kwhLimit": null, "startMeterKwh": 5141.459, "endMeterKwh": 5175.524, "cost": 2.81, "price": 0, "priceLimit": null, "averagePricePerKwh": 0, "averageCo2PerKwh": 0, "averageRenewablePerKwh": 0, "failureReason": null, "stopReason": "regular state change", "note": null, "currency": { "identifier": "eur", "name": "Euros", "decimals": 2 }, "soc": null, "socLimit": null }, { "id": iiiiiiii, "chargePointId": ccccccc, "createdAt": "2024-04-22T23:08:01Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-23T06:58:04Z", "cablePluggedInAt": "2024-04-22T23:08:01Z", "startedAt": "2024-04-22T23:08:01Z", "stoppedAt": "2024-04-23T06:58:04Z", "fullyChargedAt": null, "failedAt": null, "timeoutAt": null, "state": "completed", "consumedKwh": 0.06, "kwhLimit": null, "startMeterKwh": 5141.403, "endMeterKwh": 5141.459, "cost": 0, "price": 0, "priceLimit": null, "averagePricePerKwh": 0, "averageCo2PerKwh": 0, "averageRenewablePerKwh": 0, "failureReason": null, "stopReason": "StoppedByUser", "note": null, "currency": { "identifier": "eur", "name": "Euros", "decimals": 2 }, "soc": null, "socLimit": null }, (...) { "id": iiiiiiii, "chargePointId": ccccccc, "createdAt": "2024-04-13T23:08:01Z", "updatedAt": "2024-04-14T06:58:06Z", "cablePluggedInAt": "2024-04-13T23:08:01Z", "startedAt": "2024-04-13T23:08:02Z", "stoppedAt": "2024-04-14T06:58:05Z", "fullyChargedAt": null, "failedAt": null, "timeoutAt": null, "state": "completed", "consumedKwh": 4.72, "kwhLimit": null, "startMeterKwh": 5055.616, "endMeterKwh": 5060.337, "cost": 0.68, "price": 0, "priceLimit": null, "averagePricePerKwh": 0, "averageCo2PerKwh": 0, "averageRenewablePerKwh": 0, "failureReason": null, "stopReason": "StoppedByUser", "note": null, "currency": { "identifier": "eur", "name": "Euros", "decimals": 2 }, "soc": null, "socLimit": null } ], "meta": { "itemCount": 10, "currentPage": 0, "perPage": 10, "totalPageCount": 31, "totalItemCount": 309 } } ``` It has been working fine until yesterday.

Add wallet query parameter for summary or add an identifier for different types of wallet entries

Hi Would it be possible for you to add a query parameter, such that we can query on the summary, or add an identifier field that can be queried? I want to query my tax refunds, such that I can build my own graphs based on that. That is of course already possible, but would be much better if I do not have to filter all wallet entries and could instead rely on the API to only return the data that I need to process. Thanks