🚀 Feature

  • New endpoint added to retrieve kWh consumption breakdown for a specific charge: /api/v1/charges/{chargeId}/kwh-consumption
  • New endpoint added to retrieve a users' personal wallet: /api/v1/wallets/personal
  • Added new fields fromWalletId and toWalletId to wallet transactions.

🚀 Feature

  • Charge transactions can be filtered by fromDate and state
  • Charge transactions are sorted by createdAt descending
  • New endpoint added for reserving a Charge Point.

⚠️ Breaking change

  • Previously, the pagination page parameter would handle 0 and 1 equally but return an incorrect pagination meta data. Our Pagination page parameter was updated to start from 0. A page of 1 will now return the second page.
  • fromType and from on wallet transaction model is nullable now (e.g. for deposit transactions)
  • toType and to on wallet transaction model is nullable now (e.g. for withdrawal transactions)

🚀 Feature

  • Authenticate applications
  • Retrieve Charge Points
  • Retrieve Charges
  • Retrieve Wallet Transactions
  • Start/Stop charging on your own Charge Point

📝 Docs

  • Initial documentation added