Feauture request. Wallet
It would be nice to have information in the API corresponding to the actual amount of money in the wallet.
Retrieve a list of charges seems to be ignoring 'fromDate' argument
Retrieve a list of charge points
The API seems /api/v1/charge-points multiple charges even though there is only one in the app.
It looks it like return chargers without a ´serialNumber´. Might be previously unsuccessful added chargers.
Unable to view my charger, just got moved to the norlys solution.
Charging cost start at a (high) random number
Sinde the last few days I have experienced that when I start a charge through the API the field "cost" is populated with a high, random number. After one reading the number goes down to normal again. Seems like there is a spike in the beginning of the charge session.
New status after 'charge stop' request'
Alternate input parameters for /api/v1/auth/token
Hello, we are further developing our app Elly to use your Public API. We believe that ClientId and ClientSecret are difficult to handle for normal users through copy/paste. We think that /api/v1/auth/token should be able to be called with email/phonenumber and a password, like we do in your app and your portal. This way it would be much easier to give our users a smoother way of signing up for your Public API. What is your opinion on this?
Retrieve a list of wallet transactions returns 404
Cannot retrieve wallet transactions.
Set Limit
Is there a possibility to set limits with the API? Because we want to set limits (power consumption) because of power usage, PV & battery?
Endpoint for receiving list of charges is broken
When calling https://public-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges to receive a list of charges, the returned list is using the chargePointId value for both the chargePointId AND the id of the charge. Therefore, you never receive the id's of the charges.