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Charging cost start at a (high) random number

Sinde the last few days I have experienced that when I start a charge through the API the field "cost" is populated with a high, random number. After one reading the number goes down to normal again. Seems like there is a spike in the beginning of the charge session.


New status after 'charge stop' request'



Alternate input parameters for /api/v1/auth/token

Hello, we are further developing our app Elly to use your Public API. We believe that ClientId and ClientSecret are difficult to handle for normal users through copy/paste. We think that /api/v1/auth/token should be able to be called with email/phonenumber and a password, like we do in your app and your portal. This way it would be much easier to give our users a smoother way of signing up for your Public API. What is your opinion on this?


Retrieve a list of wallet transactions returns 404

Cannot retrieve wallet transactions.


Set Limit

Is there a possibility to set limits with the API? Because we want to set limits (power consumption) because of power usage, PV & battery?


Endpoint for receiving list of charges is broken

When calling https://public-api.monta.com/api/v1/charges to receive a list of charges, the returned list is using the chargePointId value for both the chargePointId AND the id of the charge. Therefore, you never receive the id's of the charges.


Stop charge responging with BAD_REQUEST



Retrieve a list of wallet transactions returns 404



Bug in charge information

Just noticed a bug in the charge info. The startedAt date/time gives the current time for the charge whilst still plugged in and will update if the api call is re-done. It also shows as being after the stoppedAt time.


Enterprise wallet transactions not available

I have a charger via the Sevadis enterprise license. You previously enabled me to see chargers and charges for the api, but I am unable to see the wallet transactions for the charger/team.